

The magnificent number seven, Gods favourite number. 

Seven appears in our lives so significantly, our week revolves around seven days and we tend to work for seven hours at a time. Scientists believe the number seven fits our attention span because our mental capacity favours seven items at a time. While mathematicians consider seven as a prime number, which can only be divided by itself or the number 1, making it special.

Seven has been significant since time began. Seven ties directly to God's creation of all things, giving it completeness and perfection, both physical and spiritual. Seven appears more than 700 times in the bible and symbolises the unity of the four corners of the Earth. Seven also plays an important role in almost every religion worldwide. Whilst on the flip side seven is associated with luck and people believe it has magical properties.

Us adventurers are fascinated by the number seven because it captivates our imagination of navigating the world on the seven seas or visiting one of the seven wonders of the world.

Heavens Watch loves the number seven and brands our designs with a tab to mark our respects.

And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. Genesis 2:3

Heavens Watch Sleeve Tab.png